Agreement on use of facility
Our facility (pb climbing) is a bouldering facility.
In the case of Bouldering, that is climbing is done within the range (usually 1 - 5 m) where you can jump off without using a rope. In this facility, we set up a wall of about 4m in height and we are spreading mats of about 30 cm in thickness to prepare for landing. However, this is to mitigate the shock at the time of landing and it does not correspond to all the crashes. Be sure to confirm that there are no people underneath at the time of landing and landing on both feet securely. Also, pay close attention to the contact between those who are climbing, please try to avoid accidents by the users.
On the dangers of climbing
Climbing has the danger of causing "death" due to the nature of the act. Those who climb themselves have self-consciousness against danger, and they must control their danger by themselves. Climbers are always aware of danger, they must always protect themselves. Also even if the climber is a child, it is impossible to eliminate the danger because they are beginner. Whether it is a child or an adult, whether it is a beginner or an expert, it means that everyone has the same danger. Please fully understand this before climbing.
About the danger within our facility
Please understand the following as a thing with a high possibility of being considered as an accident. As to the extent of the accident, we can not explain unconditionally, but please understand that all events involve the possibility of leading to fatal accidents. (High, medium and low after each item indicate high, medium, low o possibility of the accident.)
· Falling during bouldering, landing on jumping. (High)
· At the time of crash or jump, contact with the person at the bottom of the wall or on the ground. (High)
· Accident caused by rotation and breakage of hold (example, protrusion that becomes a foothold).
· Accident caused by wall breakage. (Low)
· Accident due to collapse of buildings due to fire or natural disasters (low)
· Accidents and obstacles caused by overuse of the body during climbing. (High)
Reference example of accident
· Crashed during bouldering, failed landing and fractured ankle.
· When a person jumps crashes into the person below. The person who jumped is bruised. The person below has lumbar fracture and lower body paralysis.
· Hold unexpectedly damaged. Shoulder joint dislocation due to injuries and landing failures stitching two fingers with broken pieces of damaged hold.
· 15 cm square wall breaks with hold. There was no damage to the person who crashed but was lucky and the person himself was at the bottom.
· It caused inflammation in the finger joint due to too much climbing. (Sports injury)
Insurance is not prepared for all accidents while using this facility.
we understand all injuries and accidents in the facility are at our own risk and pledge to staff that we release and discharge pb climbing for any injury, loss, or damage caused by our use of the facility.